Sunday, July 8, 2007

No Sacrifice No Victory


That's the reaction I got from the moment the first action started. I just got back from watching the long-awaited, much-anticipated Transformers!! It's agonising to wait til the second weekend, to be honest, and I usually don't really bother about the hypes (Star Wars, LoTR, Spiderman are some of the exceptions!). Of course, this is Transformers, one of the best cartoons and toys in the 80s and 90s!!

I have to say I was tightly gripping the seat in some of the action scenes, which are aplenty!! I'm not too sure about the other 19 of us occupying 2 rows but it's very thrilling. Actions are pretty much non-stop and with Bay's signature of fast cutting the frames they look even more intriguing.

The movie version definitely differs with the animation. However, it's definitely not a disappointment but an astonishment! Given the technology (in terms of cinematography) and resource limitations faced by Bay and co, there are only a few robots and a mix from various generations. The handful of robots is definitely a handful for the team. CGI of the transformations are so silky-smooth.

Kudos to Michael Bay and his team for the great thrills. Now bring us, first the DVD, and second, the sequel, for our sakes!!

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