Monday, July 9, 2007

New Seven Wonders

The new list may not be formally recognised by UNESCO but they are definitely great monuments/structures that have withstood time. The list was voted by about 100mil people from almost every country n the world. The only surviving structure of the original Seven Wonders is The Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. The new Seven Wonders are:

1) The Great Wall of China 万里长城
2) Colosseum in Rome
3) Taj Mahal in India
4) Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil
5) Petra in Jordan
6) Machu Picchu in Peru
7) Chichen Itza Pyramid in Mexico

Looking back, I have visited one of the new Seven Wonders in the World in 2003. I have to admit that it's definitely an eye opener. Imagine how it was built during the time when machinery is of non-existence. More surprisingly, some of the structures remained intact, bringing to shame that some modern structures in some countries had to be constantly closed for repairs!

In the words by Chairman Mao that were engraved (pictured below), 不到长城 非好汉! It literally means if you haven't been to The Great Wall you're not a nobleman! Well, I have been to and climbed The Great Wall, reaching 3rd tower of both ends to snap photos!

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