Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bday Prezzies

The dinner started off quite well, albeit some late comers (including myself)! I didn't bring my camera this time since I want to be in the photos rather than taking them. So, no photos as yet until the I'm given the photos! Be patient, yea......

Again, the best present is still the presence of my friends turning up sharing the night with me and celebrating the anniversary of my life. Cheers, guys and gals......

To my surprise, I was given presents too and I am very thankful. I have to say I felt like a kid with the presents and a lil' embarrass. Those presents included rounds of shots (I'll leave that part in the paragraphs below)! The gifts are definitely of quality products (read expensive). I am brought up to enjoy the simple things in life and whatever that have been provided for by my parents. So, I never expect I would be given any presents on my birthdays.

Now, it comes to the shots! I was given 3 different shots of whatever potent stuffs in each shot and 2 beers within the first hour! That's a record for me by itself! The sequence went like this:

1st shot - some brown-colour liquid bought by Fred; burning sensation in my throat & tummy
1st beer by by Jun
2nd shot - it's something strong requested by Shezza
2nd beer by Andre
3rd shot - the honour went to Stella who again asked for something potent

And some friends still trying to drown me with more rounds but I needed some fresh air. So, I headed up to light up the Cohiba (so much for the fresh air) given to me the year before.

Then, there was the "dare" that Joe, Fred, Arjun and Kevin put forward! The dare was to ask for a kiss from any girl by informing her that it's my birthday. Well, I have to say it must be the alcohol running my system. I went up to the female bartender who was taking a break and ask for a kiss! She gladly accepted that request! Woohooo....It's just about having some fun and at least experience something for the first time. As mentioned by some, a Once in a Lifetime Experience.

4th shot - a cognac treat by the bartender who said it goes well with cigar!

By then, I was a lil' woozy.......

But Andre insisted (again) for one more shot....

5th shot - a clear liquid (some Korean with 60% alco) by Andre

That was it! It made my tummy churning and I felt the sour taste in my mouth 15-20mins after the drink. Oh yeah, I puked but I kept it in my mouth before rushing to get myself a toilet bowl! That's first of the 3 rounds of puking. Came out with a clearer head but barely 20mins I went searching for my favourite bowl again! This time, a lot more came out including food stuffs!

Finally, I decided to call it a night (I think around 1.30am) with Stella being the chauffeur. I probably dozed off while in the car. Once we reached outside my place, there goes the 3rd and final round! All I knew was I could balance myself way more than before and with the presents (including Shirbliss' 2 shopping bags) in hand, I walked up 3 flights of stairs to my unit. Changed and slept. Gosh, I didn't brush my teeth yet!

[History repeated itself. Always drunk/puked on my birthday while in Down Under]

Photos to be uploaded next time. Need to brush my teeth now after getting up with clearer mind around 10.30am!

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