Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To err is human & To forgive is divine!

Great Power Comes Great Responsibility - Ben Parker
You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us - Spider-Man 1
Sometimes even Spider-man needs help - Mary Jane Watson
Revenge poisons the heart - Aunt May
Self-sacrifice makes you marriage material - Aunt May
Being brilliant is not enough, you have to work hard - Dr Octopus
Intelligence is not a privilege but a gift. You use it for the good of mankind - Dr Octopus
You become what is in your heart - in Spider-Man 3
You always have a choice - Spider-Man 2
I believe there is a hero in all of us - Aunt May
Sometimes to do what is right we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most, even our dreams - Peter Parker
It's wrong that we should only live half of our lives, half of ourselves - Mary Jane Watson
Can you respect me enough to let me make my own decision? - Mary Jane Watson
[Updated 1/6/07]

These are some of the quotes from the Spider-Man movies. I find these words very meaningful. That's one of the reasons I love Spider-Man movies so much. A lot reviews did mention that the 3rd installment is a let-down but I feel that it ties in a lot of the questions that were lingering from the previous 2. In fact, the 3rd movie is so very emotionally packed that myself and those who came along had tears in our eyes, to say the least. It's such a touching movie. Spider-Man is after all a human (Peter Parker) too.

Spider-Man trilogy somehow has some great though subtle advices embedded in the movies. Some of them can easily be adapted to our lives. Would these make the world a little bit better? Who said watching movies is a bad habit?!!!! Grin......

Perhaps, I shall watch all 3 Spider-Man movies one weekend with all those bonus features in the DVDs! Hmmm........Tempting.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just dropping by while procrastinating..hehe