Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Counting Down

The countdown has began and I'm actually not referring to the festive seasons. I can't hardly wait for next week to arrive as I will be back in my hometown. After some difficult months, the prospect of seeing my folks, relatives and close ones certainly replenishes the positiveness in me.

I can't wait for my family's Vietnam trip to come in about 10 days and I'm sure there will be quality time spent in fooling around with my folks, hopefully. I guess it's about time for me to make the effort in getting to know more about them, especially dad due to some personal reasons.

Before the Viet trip, I get the honour of covering a friend's wedding in our good ol Penang. It will be spread over 3 days and I hope to withstand the humidity!

How can I forget the company close friends after being away for some time. It doesn't really matter where we meet or where to eat. What I cherish most is the time we get to be together. Having said that, I'd prefer somewhere relaxing with not much of loud music for us to actually catch up rather than headbanging.

I hope to bring the very best out of this trip. Perhaps, I shall quote this from someone "Sleep is for the dead".


Gerry said...

Don't forget about me, bro! ;)

whoalse said...

Sis, i sure won't but i can't make it to KL this time. i'll certainly make a trip next yr.