Friday, December 21, 2007

whoALSE going Smugy

Well, I have to admit that moving from one photo website provider to another is such a hassle.

What made me switched? In fact, I had decided to stay with them (Phanfare) slightly more than a week ago. However, Phanfare announced a change of its business direction last weekend which will come into effect in Jan 2008. The news came like a few days I decided to stick to Phanfare.

Anyway, I have made Smugmug my choice and the last 4 days were about uploading the pics as well as downloading some from the old one since I didn't have them locally. I had like about 5 days to do so since my 6-month trial period came to an end today (this morning).

The new whoALSE site is still a work-in-progress since I was (am still) doing the uploading which is more important. Doubt my domain name ( will work on Smugmug but it doesn't bother me.

There will be a lot of my blog posts with photos not linking because of the old account being closed. Don't think I'll be bothered to amend the links of the all the blogs but I'll do up a few.

I have requested my uncle to design the whoALSE logo for me.......

So, hope on to Smugmug and my referral code is "N7gswi1hyOogk" and get a discount.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, whoALSE,

Sounds like your Phanfare account is already closed, but in case it's not and you still have photos to move, there's a tool that can move them all for you:

Take care, and hope you enjoy SmugMug! Definitely let us know what features we can add and where we can improve - we love to hear your feedback!