Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Life in Saigon

A long outstanding post that I have been procrastinating for some time. Helping out for friend's wedding did tire me out for weeks. Well, I thought I better get to this before the commencement of my next adventure in about 10 days.

I had the opportunity the visit Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City late last year with my folks. Like all travels, it's certainly an eye-opener. Specifically, life is so simple there. Yet, there exists thess specks of joy and smiles everywhere and almost everyone I walked passed.

We were told that Saigon itself has a population of 10million while Hanoi has half of that. Obviously, the night scene where we saw crowded streets with motorcycles nudging and weaving their way through the heavy traffic with plenty of horns blaring. There are just constantly blaring of horns even with our driver. Overtaking - horn, Turning - horn, Switching lanes - horn, Being overtaken - horn, etc...

A friend suggested that we should try the "Coconut Ice Cream" not too far away from the place we stayed. It supposedly tastes awesome. We did, twice...!

More photos to come but I actually didn't take too many, especially right after the wedding of a friend.

1 comment:

Cris said...

Wonderfull photos!!!