Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Enron ala Malaysia

Where is professionalism, integrity and accountability?
Didn't the Enron case that rocked and subsequently changed the world many years ago teach everyone, especially the Datos and Yang Berhormats something about accountability?
What is (or are) there to hide by shredding the documents, any documents?!

Perhaps the Malaysia Boleh spirit is in the work and/or they thought the world is "this" small not knowing what Enron case is!

Coming from a well-known professional firm, this act of shredding and hiding documents is a very disdainful act and a definite no-no! Where is social responsibility by giving the public the impression of corruptions by the handful few?

Bring back the local council elections. Bring out the "chopping" block. Rid these unprofessional conducts, ineffective & inefficient scumbags, the uneducated with pppp....poor inter....international lang....language! We prefer the transparent, hardworking and well-educated yet not corrupted to run the local councils, the state government and federal government.

On a brighter note, the Oppositions (sorry State Govt) will do away the Affirmative Policies that resulted in inequalities. That's one great start for MALAYSIANS! This is a glimmer of hope for all MALAYSIANS as equals.

Anyway, I will continue to write so long there are some truths in the posts. Someone said to me that there are some parties/groups scouring the Net for such "rubbish" and will risk being caught and jailed (misusing ISA comes to mind). Such "rubbish" would not appear if there are no such litterers in the first place. So, take note if these groups are reading this post and the one before. I will rebel for a cause! Catch me if you can for presenting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It will again prove the misuse of power!

I suppose I might get the support of the public if I get caught but then I am no RPK, Jeff Ooi nor Elizabeth Wong! I am just a humble person with a thing against the "rubbish".

Knowledge belongs to the world
In the absence of Light, Darkness prevails
To live for a cause is worth dying for

1 comment:

zewt said...

hmm... i don see any entries that can provoke ISA...