Friday, January 23, 2009

Keong Hee Huat Chye

In a few hours, I'll be flying back to my hometown for Chinese New Year. I've missed two previous family reunion dinners and I must not missed this year's for personal reasons. It will be a different CNY this time around.

It has been brought up by others that the meaning of CNY and family reunion dinners have become less important for the younger generations. Some would not be able to make it back due to studies, financial constraints and work whereby CNY is not recognised as a public holiday in some countries.

I grew up playing plenty fireworks before they were officially banned and have some wonderful memories of them. Almost every year back then as a kid, we the cousins will have a "war" with neighbours which lit up the sky. However, there was one incident where one of the fireworks which I lit came back at me, hitting one of my eyes!

I do miss my grandma's dishes prepared for the reunion dinners. The past 7 reunion dinners and this year's are held in a hotel restaurant that caters CNY dishes that are so different from my grandma's. Speaking of which, I can still taste some of those dishes now.

Anyway, I can't wait for this short trip back where I'll be catching up with my wonderful family, beloved coach and some close friends.

Wishing everyone a prosperous Ox year ahead.


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