Friday, April 10, 2009


The Mansion in Werribee ParkThere were some cute moments before this snap (think crab's movements) Geelong HostsUncle, The Legend, with his Apprentice (depending on which topic, could be a reverse)Wii Fit Hula Hoop moments (I beat them all with 314)!I'm not bad at Yoga too!

In the last few weeks, I have had some friends visiting Melbourne with a couple staying over my humble place. It's tiring but certainly fun to be able to catchup.

We visited The Mansion in Werribee, Torquay and had a BBQ over at a friend's house in Geelong. There were some memorable moments like the group pic above in The Mansion, the "Tua Ki" heat-stroke indicent in Torquay, the group pic where we dipped our feet into the cooling seawater in Torquay (friends' cameras which we are still waiting for the pics), the Hokkien song by Chicken Wing, sharing of medical knowledge by the Doc and Uncle's awesome stories.

There were some Wii Fit sessions too and I didn't know Wii Fit actually means one has to be quite fit to accomplish some of the exercises. Hula Hoop sessions, some Yoga poses and muscle toning are notable ones where we still need a lot more practices (just to note, I need not as much as the Doc....LOL).

We grew up with one another as well as going through some ups and downs together. I guess that one tiny little strand of string has bonded us together for life. Friendships are forever but it's still up to us to at least make an effort to cherish them. That effort was definitely apparent here.

Happy Easter

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