Monday, September 22, 2008

2nd Anniversary - Coach Chang Lian

Time seems to pass so quickly since the sad news (belated) last year. Today is the 2nd Anniversary of the passing of my beloved coach, Mdm Chang Lian.

It's always been in my mind that I'd visit her again but I was not mentally prepared to do so. Having said that, I'm in the midst of planning for the trip next year.

There was an event that triggered this plan some time last month. I received something from a very close friend of mine. It is a very well-thought gift from her and it meant a lot to me. No one other than my parents and a few friends, especially from the swimming fraternity, would understand this. The moment I saw it, my eyes just welled up for it was supposed to be a place I was to visit during the Beijing Olympics as offered by my late coach but didn't eventualise.

I thought I'd write about this special delivery on this very day rather than in Aug when I received this very touching gift which resulted it being a triggering event.

Thank you very much for this invaluable gift and you know who you are.

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