Saturday, December 29, 2007


With a good old swimming friend visiting from Perth, I am finally getting some opportunities to travel some places of interests in and around Victoria. Not to forget taking photos too.

I have just been to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat and will be heading to Great Ocean Road (again) but this time will be further from Lorne and Apollo Bay for 12 Apostles.

However, the best part was reminiscing the good ol' memories we had, especially those during the ASEAN Age Group and ASEAN Schools Swimming Championships as part of the National Swim Team. Recalling those moments and laughing about it brought the smirk back on my face.......

I have taken many shots but there will be many to come. Having said that, this friend has also been taking pics with my camera too.

Bed time calling as I will be doing most of the driving.

Happy New Year to all....

Sunset at Williamstown

Sunday, December 23, 2007

10 Long Years - Swimming

It's been 10 long years (minimum) since I and many others of my generation left competitive swimming scene. It's unbelievable that it's more than a decade since many of us left. It seems like yesterday that we were having a pool of a time in and out of the swimming pool, enjoying a rush lunch between sessions, doing a performance during final night dinner of a swim meet and sharing ghost stories on the last night of staying in hostels. Time really flies....

After having a long chat (after some long periods of time) last night with an-ex swimmer whom I consider my sister, the idea of having a get-together of ex-swimmers struck me while laying on my bed. This idea has been at the back of my mind for some years and was even put forward by a parent during my coach's Appreciation Dinner (Lee Chek's Appreciation Dinner) that I organised back in Sept 2005 (with some assistance from his swimmers of many generations).

I really don't mind getting the ball started since I had the opportunities to swim and know swimmers from across the generations - those who are 10 years my senior and junior. Perhaps, this gathering will be more of the generations that swam in the 1980s and 1990s.

Swimming form very much a large part of my formative years. Fellow swimmers are like brothers and sisters to me. In fact, we are all a very large family sharing one thing in common - CHLORINATED WATER. It's the chlorinated water that made our hair golden in colour!

The list of some of the well-known swimmers that I came to know personally are (not in any particular order):
Jeffrey Ong - whom I got to play with on weekends, yes, in the pool....
Angelia Ong - whom I got to play with on weekends, yes, in the pool....
May Tan
Magdaline Goh - another big sista who's now in Melbourne too
Loo I-lyn
Ming Yen - and family who's my neighbour (another siblings of mine)
Mark Chua - whom I shared the same dormitory during one of the centralised training
Marilyn Chua - can't say we share the same dorm....grinz
Elena Saw - whom I grew up with in and out of the pool
Alex Lim Keng Liat - who was my roommate
Allen Ong - whom I grew up and competed with back in the late 80s
Cindy Ong
Elvin Chia - whom I shared the same dormitory during one of the centralised training (he slept on the floor due to his height!)

I do hope this meet up will eventuate because it's been too long since we actually sit down and enjoy meals together with a few jokes thrown in!

Certainly, I will make this my new year resolution though it's planned (or suggested) to be held in 2009 to allow better coordination and planning.

Merry Xmas to all............

Smugmug Initiatives

I'm surprised that my previous post on my move to Smugmug had the CEO, Don MacAskill, commented about it. Wow......!! Now that says a lot about taking initiatives!! In fact, he suggested something about a tool for moving the photos. If I had known earlier, I should have blogged sooner! ;P (but not necessarily would get a comment from the CEO himself)

Speaking of which, I wonder how my blog (a very low profile) could be tracked down. Perhaps, Big Brother is watching and lurking! =)

Thanks, Don and Smugmug. I'm learning and picking up what I have left off years ago.

Still can't believe it............

Green = Smugmug's colour

Friday, December 21, 2007

whoALSE going Smugy

Well, I have to admit that moving from one photo website provider to another is such a hassle.

What made me switched? In fact, I had decided to stay with them (Phanfare) slightly more than a week ago. However, Phanfare announced a change of its business direction last weekend which will come into effect in Jan 2008. The news came like a few days I decided to stick to Phanfare.

Anyway, I have made Smugmug my choice and the last 4 days were about uploading the pics as well as downloading some from the old one since I didn't have them locally. I had like about 5 days to do so since my 6-month trial period came to an end today (this morning).

The new whoALSE site is still a work-in-progress since I was (am still) doing the uploading which is more important. Doubt my domain name ( will work on Smugmug but it doesn't bother me.

There will be a lot of my blog posts with photos not linking because of the old account being closed. Don't think I'll be bothered to amend the links of the all the blogs but I'll do up a few.

I have requested my uncle to design the whoALSE logo for me.......

So, hope on to Smugmug and my referral code is "N7gswi1hyOogk" and get a discount.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Art or Porn

Recently, I have had some discussions with a few friends about images that involve some nudity. Are these art or pornography? It is a controversial subject, especially for me who has been brought up in a typical Asian way of life.

There is a fine line drawn between the two. However, the line can be very much different from one person to another, from male to female, from the young to the wise.

I have asked and will continue to ask friends on this particular subject. As of today, there were 6 gals and 3 guys. I'm sure one would ask why the imbalance........Well, most nudes involve females and it's certainly a topic that the gals will have an entirely different perception than guys. Most guys just don't care about it and will be excited about any nude images (of the other sex, of course)~!!

Call me sexist but it's true...!!

As for me, I think it's an art so long we stick within that fine line.

Anyway, here are some modeling shots taken on Sat night.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I have been getting some positive feedbacks on my recent photos. Colleagues who have visited my site have stopped me in my track, round the corner and even just call me up to chat up about photography and sometimes asking for opinions on some cameras, mainly the compacts!

These actually started when I took photos of our Christmas Dinner on 30 Nov 2007 albeit with a workmate snapping some shots away with my camera. They were also comparing to shots taken with compacts during the dinner. I don't mean to be...urm...mean but I guess there sure are some limitations a compact can do (try flash or low light). Definitely, this is an opportunity to sell myself.

Did I mention that my Managing Director came up to me during lunch and said my pictures are so very beautiful and nice? Oh, he called out my name which means a lot to me.

Also today over the Finance dept's Xmas lunch, my Finance Director, Kristin, noted the same thing - very nice photos on my website. She even asked whether I do it professionally! I don't think I have reached that level yet thought. Even more so, she mentioned that I should not turn pro as the Company needs me! LoL......

This really made my day, though a tiring day....!! Had my first interview as the interviewer too! That's after the heavy but sumptuous lunch with dessert.......

Other than comments from colleagues, there have been some positive feedbacks from fellow artists including photographers (or togs for short). Coming from them is definitely very encouraging and will spur to go to the next level.......

Monday, December 10, 2007

What an Experience

A few of us were invited to a private dinner with opportunities for photo taking on Sat night. The subject was kept secret from all of us. All we knew was get a mask and wear it there for dinner.

It's definitely a surprise, at least to me! A surprise experience, that is.....!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nikon D3

Oh my gaaaaawd...D3 really is revolutionary in almost all areas! Available/Low-light capability, High ISO (25600!!!), Low Noise, near-instant AF at low light, 9 (11) frames per second, Full Frame (FF or FX in Nikon's term), Wider Dynamic Range, etc.....!!!

I'm loving it.....!!

Here are some high ISO shots (min ISO3200) taken without flash, indoor at night and straight out from the camera:
Aren't they amazing (not the composition as they are just snaps out of excitement)! More on whoALSE website. More pics to come (lucky me, perhaps!)...... ;P

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Taking Chances

Well, I bit the bullet and paid for the ticket to attend Celine Dion's Taking Chances Concert in April 2008 here in Melbourne. So very excited I am though I missed out on cheaper tickets as most of them were sold out within 3 hours. My seats will be quite in front as it's of the platinum category! Will it be a worthwhile concert and to pay so much for it? I guess the experience to be in a concert will be priceless and yet she's one of my fav singers. I have never been to one since most stars wouldn't drop by in my country, let alone my hometown. MJ had a tour before in early 90s but it's too far away and too expensive to spend with parents' finances!

At least Celine has lasted so very long and never been really into any serious trouble like some of the current stars (I don't have to mention the names).

Can't wait for 1 April to come (and pray it's not an April Fool attempt)! Bring on Celine.....